ddd distilled - Strategic design with Bounded Contexts and the Ubiquitous Language

Bounded Context

A Bounded Context is a semantic contextual boundary. This means that within the boundary each component of the software model has a specific meaning and does specific things.

The component inside a Bounded Context are context specific and semantically motivated.

When getting started in your software modeling efforts, your Bounded Context is somewhat conceptual. You could think of it as part of your problem space. However, as your model starts to take on deeper meaning and clarity, your Bounded Context will quickly transition to your solution space.

A Bounded Context is where a model is implemented, and you will have separate software artifacts for each Bounded Context.

What is a Problem Space and a Solution Space?

Your problem space is where you perform high-level strategic analysis and design steps within the constraints of a given project. You can use simple diagrams as you discuss the high-level project drivers and note important goals and risks.

In practice, Context Maps work very well in the problem space. Note too that Bounded Contexts may be used in problem space discussions, when needed, but are also closely associated with your solution space.

Your solution space is where you actually implement the solution that your problem space discussions identify as your Core Domain. When the Bounded Context is being developed as a key strategic initiative of your organization, it’s called the Core Domain. You develop your solution in the Bounded Context as code, both main source and test source. You will also produce code in your solution space that supports integration with other Bounded Contexts .

Bounded Contexts, Teams and Source code repositories

There should be one team assigned to work on one Bounded Context. There should also be a separate source code repository for each Bounded Context. It is possible that one team could work on multiple Bounded Contexts , but multiple teams should not work on a single Bounded Context. Cleanly separate the source code and database schema for each Bounded Context in the same way that you separate the Ubiquitous Language. Keep acceptance tests and unit tests together with the main source code.

It is especially important to be clear that one team works on a single Bounded Context. This completely eliminates the chances of any unwelcome surprises that arise when another team makes a change to your source code. Your team owns the source code and the database and defines the official interfaces through which your Bounded Context must be used. It’s a benefit of using DDD.

Ubiquitous Language

The software model inside the context boundary reflects a language that is developed by the team working in the Bounded Context and is spoken by every member of the team that creates the software model that functions within that Bounded Context. The language is called the Ubiquitous Language because it is both spoken among the team members and implemented in the software model. Thus, it is necessary that the Ubiquitous Language be rigorous—strict, exact, stringent, and tight.

In the diagram, the boxes inside the Bounded Context represent the concepts of the model, which may be implemented as classes. When the Bounded Context is being developed as a key strategic initiative of your organization, it’s called the Core Domain.

Big Ball of Mud

But then the team adds more concepts, and more, and still more. This soon results in a big problem. Not only are there too many concepts, but the language of the model becomes blurred, because when you think about it there are actually multiple languages in one large, confusing, unbounded model.

Due to this fault, teams will often turn a brand-new software product into what is called a Big Ball of Mud. To be sure, a Big Ball of Mud is not something to be proud of. It’s a monolith, and worse.

It’s the product of trying to do too much, with too many people, in the wrong place. Any attempt to develop and speak a Ubiquitous Language will result in a fractured and ill-defined dialect that will soon be abandoned. The language wouldn’t even be as well conceived as Esperanto. It’s just a mess, like a Big Ball of Mud.

Domain Experts and Business Drivers