kubectl - kubernetes control

Tips & tricks

# get all common resources (pod, svc, sts)
kubectl get all
# shortcut to target pods
kubectl get po
# ==
kubectl get pods
# shortcut to target namespace
kubectl get ns
# ==
kubectl get namespaces
# shortcut to target replicasets
kubectl get rs
# ==
kubectl get replicasets
# shortcut to target daemonsets
kubectl get ds
# ==
kubectl get daemonsets
# shortcut to target services
kubectl get svc
# ==
kubectl get services
# shortcut to target configmaps
kubectl get cm
# ==
kubectl get configmap
# shortcut to target statefulsets
kubectl get sts
# ==
kubectl get statefulset


# access to resource documentation
kubectl explain pods
# use json path to go further
kubectl explain pods.spec.containers
# list all supported resources
kubectl api-resources
# access to the list of resource specifications
# each resource can be used in the YAML description
# e.g. pods.spec.initContainers will be written in the
# pod descriptor:
# ```yaml
# spec:
#   initContainers:
#   - name: foobar
# ```
kubectl explain <resource_name>.spec
kubectl explain pods.spec
# nuke all
kubectl delete all --all
# get multiple resources in one line
# e.g. get pods and replicasets
kubectl get po,rs

Pod management

# start a pod
kubectl run <pod_name> --image <image_name> --port <port>
# list pods
kubectl get po
# get pods' metadata
kubectl describe po
# execute command in pod
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -- <command>
# execute shell command on specific container
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -c <container_name> -- <command>
# delete a pod
kubectl delete po <pod_name>
# generate k8s pod description file
kubectl run <pod_name> --image <image_name> --port <port> --dry-run client -o yaml > <pod_name>.yml
# get pod ip
kubectl get -o go-template --template='{{.status.podIP}}' pod whoami
# show pod labels
kubectl get po --show-labels
# add labels
kubectl label pod <pod_name> <label_name>=<label_value>
# update a label
kubectl label pod <pod_name> <label_name>=<label_value> --overwrite
# get pods with their labels displayed in columns
kubectl get po --label-columns label1,label2
# get pods that have the label 'foobar' with value 'barfoo'
kubectl get po --selector foobar=barfoo
kubectl get po -l foobar=barfoo
# get pods that do not have the label 'foobar'
kubectl get po --selector '!foobar'
# get pods that have label 'run' with value 'foo' or 'bar' and 'release' label is not specified
kubectl get po --selector 'run in (foo,bar),!release'
# get all annotations
kubectl get po -o json <pod_name> | jq .metadata.annotations
# get pod name
kubectl get po -l app=front -o name
# add annotation to a pod
kubectl annotate po <pod_name> <annotation_name>=<annotation_value>
# read logs
# <container_name> mandatory if the pod has multiple containers
kubectl logs <pod_name> -c <container_name>
# follow
kubectl logs -f <pod_name>

kubernetes nodes management

# get nodes
kubectl get nodes
# add label
kubectl label node <node_name> <label_name>=<label_value>

ReplicaSet management

# get replicasets
kubectl get rs
# change scaling
kubectl scale rs <rs_name> --replicas=<N>
# delete a replicaset, it will also delete the associated pods!
kubectl delete rs <rs_name>