Model to give feedback effectively:

  • context: the situation, event or issue that you want to discuss
  • observation: specific, factual descriptions of what has happened and exploration and alignment on the why with the team member
  • impact: how the situation affects others in the team or in the organization (in a positive or negative way)
  • next steps: a clear agreement on the changes or improvements in behavior or performance that you expect going forward (in the event of a constructive feedback)


Feedback should be:

  • Specific: based on facts, creative, unique
  • Structured: to maximize the effectiveness of the feedback’s impact on the receiver
  • Given with courage and respect, with the intention to help the receiver grow
  • Accurate: given to right person, for a situation that actually happened and was observed first-hand
  • Timely: given in a reasonable amount of time after the situation is observed
  • Actionable: suggests an action plan

AAA model to receive feedback

  • Active listening: avoid interrupting, stay silent until the person is done making their point.
  • Appreciation: thank the person who had the courage to give the feedback.
  • Acknowledgement: you don’t need to agree or to accept the position of the giver. Acknowledging does not mean agreeing. Focus on the reception by:
    • taking the point,
    • if needed, rephrasing, asking questions to specify, saying how it makes you feel.