10 programming lessons from the past


10 programming lessons from the past

1. Draw more pictures

  • analysis level diagrams design level diagrams blueprint of code
  • get into the habit of drawing diagrams of architecture
  • define notations for different domains (mobile, serverless, etc…)
  • create modeling tools that work and don’t cost the earth
  • differentiate between the different levels of abstraction

2. Review at the right level

  • make design reviews part of our process
  • run the code we are supposed to be reviewing
  • look for and promote the use of pattern in code
  • step back from syntax and focus on algorithms

3. Value stability

  • break the cycle of badly written documentation
  • educate ourselves to write quality documentation
  • resist the temptation to “wait for the next big thing”
  • take a deep interest into how frameworks work
  • push vendors to create and comply to specifications

4. Invent it here

  • take control of the dependencies of your applications
    • evaluate the cost / benefit of using external libraries

5. Learn to test

modern testing principles

  • have more respect for the tester’s role
  • understand the whole scope of testing
  • realize not all testing can be automated
  • take non-functional testing seriously

6. Master the tools

Optimise your workflows

  • learn keyboard shortcuts
  • master your IDE
  • be comfortable with the terminal
  • try to be “lazy”
  • automate the boring stuff

7. Focus on fundamentals

  • focus on re-useable skills
  • algorithms, data structures, clean code, design principles, etc…
  • avoid spending time (re)learning the next shiny framework

8. Remain accountable

  • take responsibility and be accountable for your work
  • focus principles over process - understand the why
  • be a professional

9. Prepare for rain

  • prepare for extreme changes (downturn) in the industry
  • think about your career
  • educate yourself
  • keep in demand

10. Remember what matters

  • this is something everyone from the 1990s knows
  • time passes far more quickly than you think
  • don’t forget to smell the roeses
  • have other things important to you in your life