Overview of my side projects in Github


Trello interactive CLI

I’m mostly using the command line, and I like using VIM to edit contents. The Trello web UI is great, but I prefer staying in the terminal. I could not find some good CLI / prompt, hence this project was born.


Trello daily logs

I want to track what I did during the day, and as I’m using Trello to manage my daily tasks, I can use the Trello APIs to fetch the card information, especially the ones from my DONE list. Thus, I developed a simple command line tool to fetch the data from Trello, then write the content in markdown format in a file. Finally, I added a cron that executes the command at the end of the day.


OWASP risk rating Asciidoctor table generator

I wrote a threat model for an application and the OWASP has a methodology to rate the risk. So I developed a simple command line tool to generate the OWASP risk rating in Asciidoctor, the text format used when I wrote the document.



I heard a lot about Kotlin, and since my primary programing language was Java, I thought “why not Kotlin?“. Same as Gotodo, I created a simple command line todo written in Kotlin.



I already learned Golang, but as I did not use it frequently, I kink of forgot how to develop with it. So I created a simple command line todo written in Golang to keep up to shape.


Manga reader tracker

Manga reader tracker chrome extension Manga reader tracker API

My sister likes reading mangas and so do I. In order to keep track of what we are reading, I developed a chrome extension and a service in Golang deployed in Heroku. This was good at first, but we ended up not using it as it was becoming more like a chore than helping us…

Web novels tracker

Web novels tracker chrome extention Web novels tracker API

I like reading web novels and I started learning to create chrome extension and using Golang. Thus, I thought of creating something to track what I read. This was a good experience, using Google store and learning Google new programing language (which I ended loving it).

However, it was not practical (only usable on Chrome based browsers) and I discovered the website Novelupdates to track web novels, which is way better than my extension.


2014 was the year were the front started going hyped and crazy by releasing new front libraries / frameworks every two weeks or so. In order to be kept up to date, I had to learn some basic stuffs, and what’s better than creating some side projects using those new shiny stuffs?

Font awesome animation

2014 was also the year when CSS3 were starting to be adopted. As I found some cool animations in multiple websites, I thought of centralizing them in a single repository using just CSS3.

What lunch today?

This was the period where JS frameworks were born every two weeks. MeteorJS was one of them. Every noon, we did not know where to go to eat lunch. So the purpose of this web application was to help us decide where to go with a simple voting system. Unfortunately, although the thought was here, the system itself did not work well, and we ended up not using it.

Angular DataTables

As I was developing a web application in AngularJS, I needed to have advanced tables displayed in the application. As I was developing the library, I thought it was cool to share it with the internet, thus angular-datatables was born. However, this open source project was the most time-consuming and the most frustrating…

Open badge card

Mozilla had a Mozilla backpack used to communicate skills and achievements by providing visual representations of the accomplishments. This project is simple embeddable card showing the Open badges in an iframe to be put in any website to show off your accomplishments. Unfortunately, Mozilla backpack has now moved to Badgr makes this project useless.

Back to top

I was creating this very website (before I finally used Hugo), I lacked a simple button to get back to the top of the page. Thus, I created this simple Javascript library.


This project is also one project used to learn AngularJS. It was heavily inspired by Workflowy. It’s a note taking web application that stores all the data client side. This project helps me understand how to interact with the keyboard and AngularJS.

Angular notifier

When AngularJS first came out in 2014, I tried to learn it by creating multiple libraries. Angular notifier is one of them. It’s a simple AngularJS notification service that displays a simple popup on the web page.