Share postgres testcontainers among test classes

Create a PostgresTestContainerExtension:

public class PostgresTestContainerExtension implements BeforeAllCallback {
    static PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgres;
    public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
        if (postgres == null) {
            postgres = new PostgreSQLContainer<>("postgres:16-alpine")
                    .waitingFor(new HostPortWaitStrategy())
            System.setProperty("", "localhost");
            System.setProperty("db.port", Integer.toString(postgres.getFirstMappedPort()));
            System.setProperty("db.username", postgres.getUsername());
            System.setProperty("db.password", postgres.getPassword());
            System.setProperty("db.database", postgres.getDatabaseName());

testcontainers will handle automatically stopping the container.

Then you can use in your tests:

class DatabaseIT {
  void doSomeTest() {
    // Your postgres container will be up and running.

If you are using spring-boot, and might need to add some spring related configuration, you you can also create a PostgresExtension annotation like this:

        properties = {
            // Prevent any in memory db from replacing the data source. See @AutoConfigureTestDatabase.
public @interface PostgresExtension {}

and instead of @ExtendWith(PostgresTestContainerExtension.class), use @PostgresExtension:

// For example, you want to test your JPA repository.
void DatabaseIT {
  private FoobarRepository foobarRepository;
  void doSomeTest() {
    // Your postgres container will be up and running.
    var list = foobarRepository.findAll();
