ACID and BASE consistency models


The term ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. ACID properties are used for maintaining data integrity during transaction processing.

In order to maintain consistency before and after a transaction relational databases follow ACID properties. Let us understand these terms:


All operations in a transaction succeed or every operation is rolled back.


On the completion of a transaction, the database is structurally sound.


Transactions do not contend with one another. Contentious access to data is moderated by the database so that transactions appear to run sequentially.


Once the transaction has been completed and the writes and updates have been written to the disk, it will remain in the system even if a system failure occurs.

ACID vs BASE Trade-offs

There’s no right answer to whether our application needs an ACID or a BASE consistency model. Both the models have been designed to satisfy different requirements. While choosing a database we need to keep the properties of both the models and the requirements of our application in mind.

Given BASE’s loose consistency, developers need to be more knowledgeable and rigorous about consistent data if they choose a BASE store for their application. It’s essential to be familiar with the BASE behavior of the chosen database and work within those constraints.

On the other hand, planning around BASE limitations can sometimes be a major disadvantage when compared to the simplicity of ACID transactions. A fully ACID database is the perfect fit for use cases where data reliability and consistency are essential.