A curated collection of awesome tools, resources, libraries and softwares I found on the internet.
- OOP design patterns
- Technology radar: opinionated guide to technology frontiers by Thoughtworks
- SourceMaking Design patterns
- Frontend checklist
- Free programming notes
- Dev hints: Rico’s collection of cheatsheets
- Best of VIM tips
- Learn X in Y minutes: collection of tools & programming languages coding examples to quickly learn them and have an overview of what they can do
- Shell magic: Bash quick references
- Web skills: visual learning guide for web developers
- Real world demo apps: demos using full stack technologies
- Developer roadmap: community driven roadmaps, articles and resources for developers
- Conventional commit: specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messages
- Conventional comment: comments that are easy to grok and comment
- Big-O cheatsheet
- On YOLOsec and FOMOsec
- Programming idioms
- Command Line Interface Guidelines
- list of softwares and other offerings that have free tiers for developers
- aws cli builder: build AWS CLI commands
- CNCF End User Technology Radar
- Engineering Effectiveness handbook
- Web frameworks benchmark
- Software Engineering at Google
- A gentle introduction to Open Search
- Sqids: open source library to generate YouTube-looking IDs from numbers
- DEDP: Data Engineering Design Patterns
- Data Oriented Design
- the fastest & easiest way to get HTTPS in your local development environment
- FullBashGuide
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
- Advanced Shell Scripting Techniques: Automating Complex Tasks with Bash
- Java design patterns: curated list of OOP design patterns with some examples implemented in Java
- Modern Java practices
- Ruby Essentials
- RubyMonk: Interactive Ruby tutorials
- Ruby Arrays Cheatsheet
- Ruby Videos
System design
- System design courses
- System design interview
- System design learning: learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews
- Jamie’s reflections on a decade of coding
- Forty years of programming from Fabien Sanglard
- 40 years of programming from Lars Wirzenius
- Cloud design pattern: design patterns useful for building reliable, scalable, secure applications in the cloud by Microsoft
- Architecture of Open Source Applications: books on how softwares are structured and why
- Amazon whitepapers on their software architecture
- List of web software architectures
- Architecture Decision Record: document to capture important architectural decision made along with its context and consequences
- ADR: Architectural Decision Record
- Architecture anti-patterns
- Microsoft SDL practices
- Microsoft threat modeling
- Security architecture anti-patterns: Design patterns to avoid when designing computer systems by the National Cyber Security Centre
- Microservice security patterns
- 10 ways to secure a Spring Boot App
- Web security hack anatomy
- ANSSI agile and security: ANSSI’s recommendations for including security in agile processes
- Threat modeling manifesto
- OWASP top ten web app security risks
- Agile threat modelling
- OWASP Cheat Sheet Series
- Tomb: hidden file encryption
- Canarytoken: “honeypot” like tokens
- Pulumi: modern infrastructure as code
- Paketo: cloud native container images buildpacks
- 12-factor app: methodology for building software-as-a-service apps
- Devops newsletters
- AWS EC2 instance comparison
- AWS cheat sheets
- AWS certification cheat sheets
- AWS flash cards
- AWS EC2 prices
- Squash: debug microservices apps while they run in Kubernetes
- Kubernetes instance calculator
- The Learnk8s blog
- Notes on technical writing: advices for writing technical documentation
- Improve communities through documentation
- Best practice for navigating API documentation
- Best book summaries: free book summaries
- Federal plain language guidelines: guidelines to help write clearly
- Excalidraw: whiteboard tool to sketch diagrams
- Ira Design: build your own amazon illustrations
- Diataxis: a systematic approach to technical documentation authoring
- AWS icons: download, copy and paste AWS icons in SVG and PNG formats
Engineering career
- How to deal with difficult people: funny way to categorize difficult people and how to deal with them
- Effective engineer: some good advice to become a good engineer
- Public engineering career ladder
- Logofox: fast logo maker
- Happy Hues: color palettes to pick for your designs
- Design tip: good design tips for developers
- Palette app: build smooth color scheme, fine tune hue, …
- No design: collection of tools for developers with little to no artistic talent
- Krita: open source painting program
- Shoelace: collection of every day UI components built on a framework-agnostic technology
- Slides: SAAS tool to make presentations for developers with features like syntax highlighted code, step-by-step code highlights presentation…
- Carbon: create and share beautiful images of your source code
- Flaticon: large database of icons
- The Noun project: collection of icons
- Pexels: free stock photos & videos
- Unsplash: free usable images
- How to speak by Pr Patrick Winston
- PGTune: generate optimized
documentation for humans - Joe Bot: a SQL query optimization assistant
- PostgreSQL’s explain analyze made readable
- PostgreSQL execution plan visualizer
- PSQL tips
Legal stuff
- Code du travail numérique: collection of French labour legislation
- Antiobio’Malin: collection of illness infections, how to catch and treat them
- French website to get diploma attestation, useful in case you lost your diplomas
- French online petition: web application to file and sign petitions
- Traffic offence simulation: online simulator to know what you risk when you breach some traffic regulation
- advice to avoid making mistakes in your administrative procedures
- Mes droits sociaux: simulator for your social rights
- Online tax stamps purchasing
- Corrige ton impôt: good advice to help you fill your tax declaration
- Mon compte formation
- Calculatrice fiscale LMNP
- Déclaration changement de coordonnées
- Agence nationale des titres sécurisés: service to request new licences (e.g. driving licence, passport, …)
- Modèle de documents: official document examples
- Tech interview handbook: useful tips for tech interviews
- RxResume: free online resume builder
- 1 on 1 questions: good questions to ask on 1 on 1 meetings
Video meetings
- Whereby: flexible tool providing you with video meetings in the browser – no downloads & no logins for guests
- Jitsi: secure, fully featured, and completely free video conferencing
- FFmpeg guide: build ffmpeg filters without the headache
- FFmprovisr: making
- Arkenfox GUI: Firefox privacy and anti-tracking user.js GUI view
Knowledge bases
- Yoan Thirion Knowledge-base: notes on some technical subjects and books
- twydev notebook: notes on some technical subjects and books
- The Quantum Garden: digital garden on various interesting topics
- About-EN - Dr. Mario’s 🧠: digital garden on several topics, mostly technical
- a place to find good blogs that interest you
- Ethical alternative & resources: alternative tools and softwares to mainstream stuffs
- Kialo: tool to debate any subject
- Arguman: argument analysis platform
- CNIL GDPR guide for developer: best practices written by the CNIL to address GDPR from the developer perspective
- 40 Powerful concepts to describe the world
- A single div: collection of CSS drawings in single
s - Est-ce qu’on met en prod aujourd’hui
- Developer excuses: some excuses a developer might say
- Windows 93: web emulation of Windows 93 (or some of it)
- PCE.js: web emulation of classic computers
- CAAS: Cat As A Service is a REST API to spread peace & love (or not) with cats
- procatinator: random cat gifs with music
- The useless web: redirects you to an useless website
- Geek typer: website to simulate what a “Hacker” do in movies
- O’RLY cover generator: generate “O’Reilly” Parody book cover (useful for presentations)
- Monitoror: unified monitoring wallboard
- GifCap: online animated GIFs creator from a screen recording
- Remote tools: top remote tech products
- Planning poker online: secretly vote your estimation without influencing others
- Dollar Street: see how families live around the world
- Linux one-liners
- Lofi cafe
- Than Average
- RFC searcher
- Insanely useful websites: a collection of links to some useful websites
- La France en chiffres
- Collection of free stuffs on the internet
- Series of nonverbal algorithm assembly instructions
- Github Code Finder
- Decision tree to choose the right chart type based on the data
- Tools kept it simple