- a design pattern goes to the supermarket
- a glance at the java performance toolbox
- analyzing Java memory usage in a Docker container
- assertj like a pro
- asynchronous programming in java
- awaitility
- awesome java apps with GraalVM and Java microservices frameworks
- bootiful spring boot 3
- butcher virtual threads like a pro
- can I get some reason to use Java instead of Kotlin
- cloud cost optimization for java developers
- confession of a rusty Java developer
- data oriented programming in Java
- effectively running java applications on AWS
- elementary full stack Development with Hypermedia and Java 21
- garbage collector - battle royale
- generational ZGC
- go concurrency examples in java 19
- GraalVM and AWS Lambda or solving Java cold start problem
- graalvm in production
- GraalVM presentation
- GraalVM
- guide to GraalVM
- healthy diet for your java application
- hidden gems in java 16 and 17
- how to add custom validator for standard constraints in Java
- how to analyze thread dumps
- how to debug java container
- how to extract thread and heap dump from running JRE in container
- instrument your java application with opentelemetry
- integration tests on JPA repositories
- Jakarta EE 11
- java - exploring structured concurrency and scoped values
- java 19 and 20 features
- java 21
- java enable preview
- java from 8 to 16
- java lambda is all you need for distributed background jobs
- java memory usage investigation
- java microservice frameworks
- java modern design patterns
- java Observability with OpenTelemetry
- java on ARM
- java patterns and practices for serverless applications
- javaflame
- jbang
- JPA OneToMany and composite primary key
- junit
- junit5 advanced parameterized tests
- JVM in Linux containers - surviving the isolation
- jvm landscape
- lean Spring Boot application
- lesson learned from moving one java product to k8s
- leyden
- loom
- managing throughput with virtual threads
- mastering testcontainers
- maven
- migration to Java 21
- mockito
- portable GraalVM
- postgres junit extension
- quarkus
- revisiting design pattern after Java 20
- sailing modern java
- sorry state of java deserialization
- spring
- teaching old Java Streams new tricks
- the art of designing a Java API
- the art of Java pattern matching
- the art of pattern matching in Java
- the new spring security
- track native memory with JCMD
- unleashing the power of vector search and semantic caching in Java
- update queries with JPA