REST API next level - crafting domain driven web APIs


  • PB #1: false beliefs
    • Nouns vs Verbs debate is not a debate: we can have verbs in the URI
  • PB #2: confusing the business and the model
    • exposing our model to our consumer accidental complexity of adaptation
  • PB #3: the encapsulation betrayal
    • encapsulate the states to expose behaviors
    • we have to read the payload to deduce the use case loss of meaning through de-encapsulation Example:
# Accidental Complexity of adaptation
PATCH /searches/{id}/selection
  "op": "add",
  "path": "/selectedSpaceTrains/...",
  "value": {
    "trainNumber": "MOON421",
    "fare": "FIRST
# understand the intent based on the URI
# back-end doesn't have to change on the model
POST /searches/{id}/spaceTrains/{number}/fares/{code}/select

How does the front-end know it can do this?

  • PB #4: anemic API regarding the workflow
    • how do we know that we must proceed in the API order?
    • only the front-end is implementing the business workflow

HATEOAS: Hypermedia As The Engine of Application State

  • a linking system (URLs) allowing you to:
    • expose the relationships between the domain objects
    • discover the domain
    • encapsulate the business workflow
  • the front-end must not try to understand how the URLs are formed
    • better decoupling between the consumption and the implementation of the domain model

REST impendance mismatch

  • ❌ false beliefs on the REST nomenclature
  • ✅ using verbs enrich the semantic of the API
  • ❌ straight exposition of our model in the API
  • ✅ business-oriented endpoint on the back-end
  • ❌ exposing the states of the domain objects
  • ✅ encapsulation of behaviors attached to the responsible objects in the API
  • ❌ lack of workflow definition (anemic API)
  • ✅ HATEOAS to drive workflow from the API

Spring framework HATEOAS supportS