Control vs Resilience cybersecurity strategy


  • The control strategy designs security programs, and the elements within them, based on what security-humans think other humans should do.
  • The resilience strategy is grounded in reality. It promotes and designs security based on how humans actually behave – the reality of our finite cognition, attention, and energy. The resilience strategy appreciates that security isn’t always the top priority; in fact, most organizations, and the individuals working in them, are constantly calibrating how they balance competing priorities. Our security strategy must respect those priorities and find ways to work with them rather than against them.

The control strategy is extremely convenient from the security team’s perspective. In fact, it might be better described as the “convenience strategy. The resilience strategy offers a way forward that transforms security into an enabler and a secure-by-design-er rather than a blocker or “pass the buck”-er. Through this transformation, our strategy respects that humans don’t interact with software or systems to be secure, they interact to perform a task to achieve a goal.

There are two paths we can pursue for our cybersecurity strategy: the control strategy or the resilience strategy.

I created this infographic as a handy reference for the software engineering, platform engineering, and cybersecurity communities, drawing on a table in Chapter 7 of my new book. It’s a great way to validate that the decisions we make when leading cybersecurity programs support resilience rather than control.

An infographic comparing the control vs. resilience strategy for cybersecurity. The control column includes Plan security based on how we think humans should behave, in contrast to the resilience strategy which says we should promote and design security based on how humans actually behave. The next row says the control strategy says humans should give full attention 100% of the time, while the resilience strategy says human attention is finite and a precious resource. Next, the control strategy says every risk should receive conscious consideration by humans as they work, while the resilience strategy says we should design the hazard out of the system, or reduce it, whenever possible. Next, the control strategy says humans should notice and comply with every warning, while the resilience strategy says we should avoid relying on human attention as much as possible. Next, the control strategy says humans should adhere to policies, procedures, and rules 100% of the time, while the resilience strategy says we shouldn’t rely on humans to act contrary to their nature 100% of the time. Finally, the control strategy says humans should be willing to expend resources towards compliance at all costs, while the resilience strategy says we should respect users’ time, attention, cognitive energy, and priorities at all times.|500

The control strategy designs security programs, and the elements within them, based on what security-humans think other humans should do. From this control-centric perspective, what humans “should” do is give their full attention to a task every time; give every risk conscious consideration; notice and comply with every warning; adhere to rules, policies, and procedures 100% of the time; and remain willing to expend all resources toward this compliance (time, cognitive energy, money, etc.).

The control strategy amounts to nothing more than wishful thinking.

The resilience strategy is grounded in reality. It promotes and designs security based on how humans actually behave – the reality of our finite cognition, attention, and energy. The resilience strategy appreciates that security isn’t always the top priority; in fact, most organizations, and the individuals working in them, are constantly calibrating how they balance competing priorities. Our security strategy must respect those priorities and find ways to work with them rather than against them.

Why don’t we see the resilience strategy in action more? As I say in the book, the control strategy is extremely convenient from the security team’s perspective. In fact, it might be better described as the “convenience strategy.” The cybersecurity program can pursue “solutions” that are comparatively easy to implement — like warnings, procedures, policies, training, and even some bolt-on security tools — and that also allow the security program to blame users when an incident occurs.

The security team gains convenience at the expense of everyone else’s inconvenience. As a common example, the security team may force developers to wrangle with slow, cumbersome appsec tools, gaining their own convenience at the expense of developers’ inconvenience. They get to avoid the hard work of brainstorming design-based solutions and instead prescribe fanciful ways people should work, then blame them when they fail to live up to those conceits.

The resilience strategy offers a way forward that transforms security into an enabler and a secure-by-design-er rather than a blocker or “pass the buck”-er. Through this transformation, our strategy respects that humans don’t interact with software or systems to be secure, they interact to perform a task to achieve a goal.

If you want to learn more about the resilience strategy and emerging practice of platform resilience engineering, check out my new book Security Chaos Engineering: Sustaining Resilience in Software and Systems available at Amazon and other major retailers.