❌ importing hosts in NixOS

🎯 Objective

To add additional hosts in NixOS, it’s as simple as adding the following configuration:

  networking.extraHosts = ''
${builtins.readFile ./hosts/hosts-work}

However, I do not want to make my hosts public, so I used sops-nix where the secrets are stored in another git repository.

πŸ‘£ Steps

βœ… Create the hosts file with sops

# By default, if not setting the env variable `SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE`, sops will look
# at the file ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt.
SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE=~/.config/sops/age/l-lin.age sops sops/hosts.yaml

with the content:

work-hosts: | work.localhost

βœ… Install sops-nix at system level

First, I need to install sops-nix at system level:

# Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets.
# src:
# - https://github.com/getsops/sops
# - https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix
{ inputs, ... }: {
  # Install sops-nix.
  imports = with inputs; [ sops-nix.nixosModules.sops ];

βœ… Add the private repository as flake input

In flake.nix:

  inputs = {
    # ...
    secrets = {
      url = "git+ssh://git@github.com/l-lin/secrets.git?shallow=1";
      flake = false;

If you need to update this flake input, run the command:

nix flake lock --update-input secrets

This will update the flake.lock with the latest git revision.

🚧 Add the extra-hosts

Now add the extra-hosts:

{ config, secrets, ... }: {
  sops.secrets.hosts-work.sopsFile = "${secrets}/sops/hosts.yaml";
  networking = {
    # ...
    extraHosts = ''
${builtins.readFile config.sops.secrets.hosts-work.path}

However, when updating the system, I got the following error:

$ nh os switch --hostname "nixos" --ask .
┃        error: access to absolute path '/run/secrets/hosts-work' is forbidden in pure eval…
┗━ βˆ‘ ⚠ Exited with 1 errors reported by nix at 09:23:23 after 9s
   0: Command exited with status Exited(1)


According to this thread:

After studying the issue in more depth, i discovered that it was a misunderstanding on my part and that all subfolders do have to be in the same folder as the flake to keep it pure.

The secret file is located at /run/secrets/hosts-work, which is not in the same path as my NixOS…


I did not manage to import hosts in my /etc/hosts using sops-nix unfortunately. For now, I will only update the /etc/hosts manually and not commit to my repository… defeated|500