microservices antipatterns and pitfalls - Jump on the Bandwagon Pitfall

You must embrace microservices. It’s undeniably the latest trend in the industry, everyone else is doing it, and besides, it’s great to have on your resume.

The jump on the bandwagon pitfall is all about embracing microservices before analyzing your business needs, business drivers, and overall organizational structure and technology environment. While the microservices architecture is a very powerful and popular architecture style, it’s not suited for every application or environment.

You can easily avoid this pitfall by first understanding the advantages and disadvantages of microservices. Then, once you’ve gained a full understanding of what microservices is all about, you can match your business needs and goals to the architectural characteristics to determine if microservices is a fit for your situation and organization. You can also avoid this pitfall by learning more about other architecture patterns that may be a better fit for your situation.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The first step in avoiding this pitfall is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the microservices architecture style. The following are some of the more important advantages you should know about:


Ease of deployment is one of the primary drivers for moving to a microservices architecture. Microservices are small, single-purpose services deployed as separate applications. It is significantly easier and far less risk to deploy a single service than an entire monolithic application. As a matter of fact, the whole notion of continuous delivery is in part what prompted the creation of the microservices architecture style.


Ease of testing is another big advantage of the microservices architecture. The small scope of a service coupled with the lack of shared dependencies with other services makes them relatively easy to test. However, perhaps one of the more significant aspects of this characteristic is that with microservices you have the ability to do more complete regression testing than with bigger monolithic applications.

Change control

With microservices it is easier to control what gets changed when adding new functionality. This is again due to the limited service scope and the bounded context maintained by each service. Having small, independent services with few inter-dependencies means less coordination for developing, testing, and releasing changes.


Microservices is a highly modular architecture style, which in turn leads to highly agile applications. Agility is best defined as the ability to respond quickly to change. The more modular an architecture, the faster the ability to develop, test, and release changes. The microservices architecture style is perhaps the most modular architecture out of all the architecture patterns due to the fine level of service granularity.


Because microservices are fine-grained single-purpose services that are separately deployed, this architecture style boasts the highest level of scalability out of all the architecture patterns. It is relatively easy to scale out a particular piece of functionality with the microservices architecture style, in part due to the containerized nature of the service topology and sophisticated monitoring tools that allow you to start and stop services dynamically through automation.

While these advantages might convince you that microservices is the best solution for your situation, consider the following list of disadvantages.

Organizational change

Microservices requires organizational change at many levels. Development teams must be restructured and reorganized into more cross-functional teams so that small teams can own the end-to-end technical aspects of the services they are responsible for, including the user interface, backend processing, rules processing, and database processing and modeling. The traditional corporate development team model of user interface teams, backend development teams, and database engineers/administrators simply doesn’t work with a microservices architecture. In addition, the organizational structures involved with releasing software must also change. With microservices it is not feasible to use the traditional software development lifecycle procedures that exist with monolithic, layered architectures. Rather, you must embrace automation and leverage devops tools and practices to develop an effective deployment pipeline for releasing microservices.


Because every microservice is a separately deployed application, communication to and from services, as well as communication between services, is remote. Performance can be significantly impacted depending on your environment and the amount of service choreography you have in your microservices application. It is important to understand your remote access latency (see “Are We There Yet Pitfall”) and also how much service communication you will need (see Grains of Sand Pitfall) to fully understand the performance impacts of using microservices.


For the same reasons that performance can be impacted by using microservices, the same is true with overall reliability. Because every request is a remote access call, you run the risk that one of the services you need to communicate with to complete a single business request is not available or fails to respond.


With the microservices architecture you can have anywhere from hundreds to even thousands of microservices. Due to the large number of services you might have, it is simply not feasible to manually manage hundreds of concurrent release cycles and deployments. Automation and continuous collaboration between developers, testers, and release engineers is vital to the success of any microservices endeavor. For this reason you need to embrace various operations-related tools and practices, which can be a very complicated task. There are about 12 different categories of operations-related tools and frameworks used within a microservices architecture, and each of those categories contains several dozen tool and product choices. For example, there are monitoring tools, service registry and discovery tools, deployment tools, and so on. Which ones are best for your environment and situation? The answer to this question requires several months of research, proof-of-concept efforts, and tradeoff analysis to determine the best combination of tools and frameworks for your application and environment.

Matching Business Needs

After understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the microservices architecture style, you must then analyze your business needs and goals to determine if microservices is the right approach for the problem you are trying to solve. When determining whether microservices is a fit, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are my business and technical goals?
  • What am I trying to accomplish with microservices?
  • What are my current and foreseeable pain points?
  • What are the primary driving architecture characteristics for this application (e.g., performance, scalability, maintainability, etc.)?

Answering these questions can help you match up your business needs and goals with the advantages and disadvantages of microservices to determine if it is truly the right fit for your situation.

Other Architecture Patterns

The microservices architecture style is a very powerful one that carries with it many advantages, but it isn’t the only architecture style out there. Another thing you can do to avoid this pitfall is to understand and analyze other architecture patterns to determine if one of those might be a better fit for your situation.

Besides microservices there are seven other common architecture patterns you might want to consider for your application or system:

  • Service-Based Architecture
  • Service-Oriented Architecture
  • Layered Architecture
  • Microkernel Architecture
  • Space-Based Architecture
  • Event-Driven Architecture
  • Pipeline Architecture

Of course, you don’t have to select one single architecture pattern for your application. You can certainly combine patterns to create an effective solution. Some examples are event-driven microservices, event-based microkernel, layered space-based architecture, and pipeline microkernel.

Use the following resources to learn more about other architecture patterns: