2023-02-02 Very Tech Trip


Lots of OVH cloud advertisings.

Velero - backup restore k8s app cleanly


  • Velero to backup and restore
  • 2 components: controller + cli
  • https://velero.io/
  • ⚠️ Limit on the number of snapshots depending on the cloud provider
  • 2 modes de backup: opt in ou opt out
  • Best practice: 3-2-1 backup rule
  • Kanister: backup database
  • Long restore: use rsync in volumes

Dev reliable software through simulation

  • Tests hardly scale with feature cardinality
  • We don’t test enough error handling
  • Production is injecting randomness into our code
  • Determinist simulation : main goal is to control randomness
  • Simulation driven development
    • Generate seed
    • Initiate random with chosen seed
    • Init scenario
    • Run it
    • Check it
    • Goto 1


Automate with bots

He used discord for his demo, but should also be implemented in Microsoft teams, slack, WhatsApp, telegram…

I thought it was a bit over-engineered.

Le job de mes rêves

  • Work looks like romantic relationship
  • 3 phases for change:
    • Bien être / motivation : projet, alignement avec entreprise, salaire, relation pro, évolution
      • 50% quittent à cause de leur manager
      • Coût du turn-over 33%
      • Identifier source et l’analyser
    • Suis je mentalement préparer pour changer
      • Sort de la zone de confort
    • Comment effectuer le changement
      • Ne pas choisir le même poste au risque de répéter la même situation


One IDE to rule them all

  • 17 days lost by switching keyboard to mous in a year
  • Firenvim: Firefox plugin to use nvim in the browser


Secure multi-cloud deployment

Tools spiffe and spire to present certificate like a mTLS between a front and a on prem backend


Temporal your next workflow orchestrator

Core concepts:

  • Workflows
  • Activities
  • Retry policies
  • Workers


  • As code: code as 1st class citizen
  • Language agnostic (multiple sdks)

Must have at least one worker connected to temporal for one step.

My data is my asset

5 rules:

  • Versioning
  • Immutability: S3 lock
    • Write once, read many (WORM) model
  • Replication
    • 3 copies of data
    • 2 supports
    • 1 off site
  • Encryption at rest and in transit
  • User policies