Accelerate discovery


We can produce quickly without compromising:

  • well-being
  • quality
  • work related context


  • 23k answers
  • 24 capabilities that can be used to improve performance
  • 5 categories where those capabilities are classified
    • culture (5 capabilities)
    • lean management & monitoring (5)
    • product and process (4)
    • continuous delivery (8)
    • architecture (2)


  • measurable impacts
  • 3 dimensions: business, stability / quality and well-being
    • objective is to find the center of those 3 dimensions

overall research program|1000



  • work context and work satisfaction
  • encourage collaboration between teams
  • encourage continuous learning
  • transformational leadership
    • give means for continuous delivery
  • Westrum organization culture

Continuous delivery

  • automated tests
  • automated deployments
  • continuous integration
  • continuous delivery
  • version control
  • trunk-based development
  • shift-left security
  • test data management

Product and process

  • small unit of work
  • make work flow visible
  • experimentation in team
  • client / user feedback


  • low coupling architecture
  • autonomous team and responsible of their tool choice

Lean management & monitoring

  • limit WIP
  • visual management
  • observability
  • lighten deployment process
  • proactive notification


Less important than employee satisfaction.

  • 2 speed indicators
    • deployment frequency
    • mean time for change
  • 2 stability indicators
    • mean time to restore
    • failure rate on production change

Performance cluster:

state of deveops 2023|800

This table can be used as axis of improvement.


Accelerate traps

  • going all-in on adopting Accelerate
  • Goodhart’s Law
    • when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure
    • measure your progress
      • Why are we progressing? What did we do that improve it? Is it replicable in other teams/organizations?
      • Why are we not progressing? What are the blockers? Who can do what?
      • blameless organization