
Carvel provides a set of reliable, single-purpose, composable tools that aid in your application building, configuration, and deployment to kubernetes.


Multiple tools to help deploy on k8s:

  • ytt: template and overlay k8s configuration via YAML structure
    • can use python code
  • kapp: install, upgrade and delete multiple k8s resources as one “application”
  • kbld: build or reference container images in k8s configuration in an immutable way, for a fully reproducible deployment
  • imgpkg: bundle and relocate application configuration (with images) via Docker registries
  • kapp-controller: package manager that is compatible with Gitops ideas
  • vendir: declaratively state what files should be in a directory
  • secretgen-controller: generate various types of secretes in-cluster as well as export and import secrets



Those tools look promising. However, since I’m still not too deep on kubernetes, I still don’t know their values yet… So for now, I’m still using good ol’ tools like kubectl and helm.