principles of play and programming


Teach kids with peotry instead of grammar parallel with programming.

There are 3 types of motivations (Lego Foundation: Systematic Creativity in the Digital Realm):

  • achievement
    • advancement: progress, power, accumulation, status
    • mechanics: numbers, optimization, templating, analysis
    • competition: challenging others, provocation, domination
  • social
    • socialising: casual chat, helping others, making friends
    • relationships: personal, self-disclosure, finding and giving support
    • teamwork: collaboration, groups, group achievements
  • immersion
    • discovery: exploration, lore, finding hidden things
    • role playing: story line, character history, roles, fantasy
    • customization: appearances, accessories, style, color schemes
    • scapism: relaxation, escape from real life, avoid real life problems

When teaching about code, we are only talking about the achievement part.

Kids knows better Pokemon names than real animals.

Computers can take a thousands forms.



Not much to say, it’s like she’s describing / selling her book in a presentation… It’s plain advertising. The subject is interesting, but she did not really talk in-depth about this, only the process of her adventure on writing the book…