ownership culture


The speaker offers concrete example to deal with ownership when there’re multiple teams developing in a single monolith: have some CODEROWNERS text file. Such text file is parseable and can be used in scripts to automatically create:

  • alerts to the right teams,
  • create metric dashboards “for free” for the dev team,

According to the speaker, such move improve by 100 times the Mean Time To Detect.



Why did I want to read this? Ownership is not trivial in any organization, especially when the company is large, and people can throw the blame to each other. So this talk may be one of some concrete option to deal with ownership.

What did I get out of it? The speaker talks about “observability driven ownership” / “ownership driven observability”. It’s an interesting concept where signals (to represent alerts, metrics, logs, …) can drive the code ownership. Moreover, he also prefer people to talk about ownership instead of accountability, where the latter has a negative connotation, and only when things are going south that people is using it.