Temporal Testing

The Temporal java SDK’s testing package provides support for unit and functional testing of both Workflow and Activity code.

Test Workflow environment

The TestWorkflowEnvironment class provides a runtime environment used to test a Workflow. When running your Workflow code within the test environment, some aspects of its execution will work differently to better support testing. For example, Timers will “skip time” by firing without their normal delay, enabling you to quickly test long-running Workflows.

Test Workflow extension

The TestWorkflowExtention class manages the Temporal test environment and workflow worker lifecycle. You’ll use this to register your Workflow Type and inject instances of TestWorkflowEnvironment, WorkflowClient, WorkflowOptions, Worker into test methods. This extension is registered with the testing framework using the @RegisterExtension annotation from the JUnit package.


package mathworkflow
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.RegisterExtension;
import mathworkflow.SumOfSquaresWorkflowImpl;
import mathworkflow.SquaresActivities;
public class SumOfSquaresWorkflowTest {
  public static final TestWorkflowExtension testWorkflowExtension =
  public void testSumOfSquaresPositive(TestWorkflowEnvironment testEnv, Worker worker, SumOfSquaresWorkflow workflow) {
    worker.registerActivitiesImplementations(new SquareActivitiesImpl());
    int sumOfSquares = workflow.calculateSumOfSquares(5, 6);
    assertEquals(61, sumOfSquares);
  public void testSumOfSquaresNegative(TestWorkflowEnvironment testEnv, Worker worker, SumOfSquaresWorkflow workflow) {
    worker.registerActivitiesImplementations(new SquareActivitiesImpl());
    int sumOfSquares = workflow.calculateSumOfSquares(10, -9);
    assertEquals(181, sumOfSquares);

Test Activity environment

The TestActivityEnvironment type is similar to TestWorkflowEnvironment, but used for testing Activities.