high speed ddd


3 methods to survive with strategic DDD:

  1. if not possible to introduce a new concept (because it may impact several organizations, and even end users), you can create and “hide” a new bounded context.
  2. Ombilical ACL: do not manage the lifecycle of the data coming from a volatile context.
  3. Dual track: use the 2 tracks, continuous discovery (A/B testing, etc…) and continuous delivery, with the product team. Prototype quickly and check if the feature is good. If so, integrate to the continuous delivery track.



Some experience feedback on how they could implement DDD “quickly”. However, I think the engineering teams at his company are all quite proficient on DDD. I wonder how that may feel to work on such teams? Is it too “rigid”? Too much “talking”? Or is it more performant teams? Since they would focus more on business goals instead of scattering around with technical subjects?