Wired 2.0! Create your ultimate learning environment by Simone de Gijt


information processing model


There are guards / filter that determines which information gets prioritized to end up to the working memory: emotions.

  • Survival → prioritize that data (often life-threatening situations)
  • Data generating emotions
    • Need to be right state of mind, otherwise, it will need lots of focus.
    • Emotions generated by past experiences.
  • Data for new learnings.

2 biggest indicators:

  • Sense
    • Do you understand it?
    • Based on your past experiences.
  • Meaning
    • Why do you need to know this?
    • Based on relevance.

We store by similarity, we retrieve by difference.

Retrieval depends on:

  • adequacy of cues
  • mood and beliefs
  • context of retrieval
  • system of storage
    • Long term memory is not in one place, it’s all around.
    • It’s a long skill and we can train it.

Rate of retrieval != Rate of learning

AI influence on rate of learning

  • accelerate the rate of learning through personalized and easily accessible content
  • but weaken the rate of retrieval by reducing the need for frequent memory recall.

System of storage

Organize system of storage:

  • critical attributes: you need to focus on the differences and what makes it unique
  • chunking: blob of information, the more familiar you are with a certain type of information, the bigger the blob


  • pattern: step-by-step procedure. Attach meaning to the sequence you want to learn.
  • categorical: establish various types of categories to help classify large amounts of information
    • this is the one best used for training your system of storage

A way improve this categorical chunking is use the following blueprint whenever you are learning by applying certain “chapters” for everything:

  • advantages and disadvantages
  • similarities and differences
  • structure and function
  • taxonomies hierarchical levels
  • arrays (of critical attributes)

You can subscribe to a code reading club to check how others are chunking their understanding of code.


Dark hole of learning: the low point of focus just past the middle of the day.

Primary-recency effect

The recency effect refers to the fact our memories remember the last item in a sequence more easily than items in the middle of the sequence.

primary-recency effect|800

How to spend in the down time:

  • work with the information that’s in the working memory
    • practice with it
    • maybe reflect with it
    • questions and answers for yourself
    • give your body a break by walking around
  • during this down time, your brain is chunking the information you have gathered here

The down time does increase the longer you push yourself to extend the prime time 1 split in multiple prime times 1 instead of one big prime time 1.

Learning while coding

Instead of diving directly to the task, take 20 minutes to:

  • 10 minutes: read and analyze the code by answering those questions:
    • What was the first element that caught your eye? Why?
    • What was the second thing you noticed? Why?
    • Are these two things related?
    • What concepts are present in the code? Do you know all of them?
    • What syntactic elements are present in the code? Do you know all of them?
    • What domain elements are present in the code? Do you know all of them?
  • 2 minutes: stand up
    • shake your body
    • got to the toilet
    • get a drink
    • do some squats
  • 8 minutes: research things that were unfamiliar by answering those questions:
    • What is this code trying to achieve?
    • What are the most important lines of the code?
    • What are the most relevant domain concepts?
    • What are the most relevant programming constructs?
    • What are the benefits of this implementation?
    • What are the potential downsides of this implementation?
    • Can you think of alternative solutions?
    • How can you improve this code?

How can AI help you learn optimally?

Help in the planning:

Hello assistant, can you make a planning for a learning episode. Topic is quantum computing. Learning block is 60 minutes. Divide in 3 blocks of 20 minutes. Every block having a prime time 1, a downtime and a prime time 2.

Summary / Query: NotebookLM | Note Taking & Research Assistant Powered by AI

  • you can multiple sources
  • generate the podcast
  • ask questions

Visualize: Napkin AI - The visual AI for business storytelling


Can you make a table on quarkus and springboot and tell me the difference between both.

Critical Thinking vs Artificial Intelligence

Critical thinking is a skill that can be trained. The more you do it, the more natural it becomes and the more automated that question will pop up.

AI is a tool.

We need to keep training the skill of critical thinking.

Apply critical thinking to artificial intelligence.

Keep asking high order thinking questions.



Why did I want to read/watch this? Learning is one of the most important things in life. Having a “framework” or something that help learning efficiently will help in life in general.

What did I get out of it? This is an awesome talk. To be honest, I normally watch those videos in 1.5x, and for this one, I change the speed playback to normal, and keep pausing to take notes.

Without digging on the theory, some techniques can be used to enhance my way of learning:

  • use the following “framework” to learn new things:
    • advantages and disadvantages
    • similarities and differences
    • structure and function
    • taxonomies hierarchical levels
    • arrays (of critical attributes)
  • use 20 minutes before diving into a task:
    • 10 minutes read and analyze
    • 2 minutes to move around
    • 8 minutes to research things that were unfamiliar
  • ask high order thinking questions when pair programming or mob programming
    • this gave me an idea to note all the things we learned during our sessions
  • leverage AI to help us on the rate of learning by
    • helping us do the learning planning
    • summarize and query the topic
    • make visualization of the topic (our brain is more accustomed to view images / icons than plain old text)