TDD and other drugs


Presentation about the benefits about tests.

Holistics Quality (HQ) in the middle of:

  • architecture
  • code
  • people


  • set of components and their relationships
  • Quality Threat Modeling (QTM)
  • QTM1: identify your existing test pyramid
  • QTM2: map the architecture multidimensionally
  • QTM3: identify quality threats & mitigation plan
    • identify all the interactions, features, etc that need testing
    • decide which type of tests you should have tfor them
    • decide the technical strategy for those tests (mock?)
    • build the desired pyramid
  • QTM4: mitigate quality threats
    • identify team guidelines going forward
    • prioritise which existing features tests are most urgent
  • test all aspects: security, infrastructure, performance, etc…
  • 80/20 test code/production code

Drive’s intrinsic motivation to motivate people:

  • purpose
  • autonomy
  • mastery