art of effective communication


Effective communication is actually received by your audience because your communication is ineffective if the information is not actually received by your audience. It also needs to be understood by your audience. It can be further effective if your audience can deliver the information to another person.

We waste with ineffective communication:

  • time
  • emotion

Simplicity is key. If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

Humility is key to effective communication:

  • always be wrong
  • it is not about you, it is about your audience, i.e. present the best way your audience can understand

Trust is a big part of communication. If your reputation is low, people won’t listen to you. Your actions will either promote or nullify your words.



Why did I want to read/watch this? I often struggle to communicate effectively. Recently, I even did not convey my message clearly enough to the audience during a review. So the output is that the meeting went south and everything I tried to say, or present, was refuted. So we were back to square one. Learning how to communicate effectively is really important.

What did I get out of it? The talk was quite short, but presented general advice. I think the most important advice is to be simple.