guerilla programming


In the professional world when everything seem to go against you, the speaker gives some tactics to survive and to keep your sanity/well-being:

  • syndicate
  • play the idiot
  • requisition your time
  • be discrete
  • advertise your successes
  • measure everything
  • find allies
  • no jargon
  • street cred (reputation)
  • force authority
  • bypass prohibitions
  • use your privileges



Really good tactics to survive on “hostile” professional world. I think those advice can be applied for every job types, not just software engineering ones. Listening to his experiences, I think I got really lucky to have great teammates and managers, as I did not “suffer” much during my time in software engineering companies. Still, those advice are valid even if your job is going well, at least to keep your energy and sanity, so you won’t burnout.