ddd distilled - ddd for me

Will DDD hurt?

DDD is a set of advanced techniques to be used on complexe software projects.

The good news is, DDD doesn’t have to hurt. Since you probably already deal with complexity on your projects, you can learn to use DDD to reduce the pain of winning over complexity.

Good, Bad and Effective Design

  • Software development is considered a cost center rather than a profit center. Generally this is because the business views computers and software as necessary nuisances rather than sources of strategic advantage. (Unfortunately there may not be a cure for this if the business culture is firmly fixed.)
  • Developers are too wrapped up with technology and trying to solve problems using technology rather than careful thought and design. This leads developers to constantly chase after new “shiny objects,” which are the latest fads in technology.
  • The database is given too much priority, and most discussions about the solutions center around the database and a data model rather than business processes and operations.
  • Developers don’t give proper emphasis to naming objects and operations according to the business purpose that they fill. This leads to a large chasm between the mental model that the business owns and the software that developers deliver.
  • The previous problem is generally a result of poor collaboration with the business. Often the business stakeholders spend too much time in isolated work producing specifications that nobody uses, or that are only partly consumed by developers.
  • Project estimates are in high demand, and very frequently producing them can add significant time and effort, resulting in the delay of software deliverables. Developers use the “task-board shuffle” rather than thoughtful design. They produce a Big Ball of Mud (discussed in the following chapters) rather than appropriately segregating models according to business drivers.
  • Developers house business logic in user interface components and persistence components. Also, developers often perform persistence operations in the middle of business logic.
  • There are broken, slow, and locking database queries that block users from performing time-sensitive business operations.
  • There are wrong abstractions, where developers attempt to address all current and imagined future needs by overly generalizing solutions rather than addressing actual concrete business needs.
  • There are strongly coupled services, where an operation is performed in one service, and that service calls directly to another service to cause a balancing operation. This coupling often leads to broken business processes and unreconciled data, not to mention systems that are very difficult to maintain.

It’s important to understand that the imagined economy of No Design is a fallacy that has cleverly fooled those who apply the pressure to produce software without thoughtful design.

If you are afraid that producing software with thoughtful design is expensive, think of how much more expensive it’s going to be to live with or even fix a bad design.

A word closely related to good is effective , and it possibly more accurately states what we should strive for in software design: effective design. Effective design meets the needs of the business organization to the extent that it can distinguish itself from its competition by means of software. Effective design forces the organization to understand what it must excel at and is used to guide the creation of the correct software model.

Strategic Design

You really cannot apply tactical design in an effective way unless you begin with strategic design.

It highlights what is strategically important to your business, how to divide up the work by importance, and how to best integrate as needed.

First you will learn how to segregate your domain models using the strategic design pattern called Bounded Contexts. Hand in glove, you will see how to develop a Ubiquitous Language as your domain model within an explicitly Bounded Context.

You will learn about the importance of engaging with not only developers but also Domain Experts as you develop your model’s Ubiquitous Language. You will see how a team of both software developers and Domain Experts collaborate. This is a vital combination of smart and motivated people who are needed for DDD to produce the best results. The language you develop together through collaboration will become ubiquitous, pervasive, throughout the team’s spoken communication and software model.

As you advance further into strategic design, you will learn about Subdomains and how these can help you deal with the unbounded complexity of legacy systems, and how to improve your results on greenfield projects. You will also see how to integrate multiple Bounded Contexts using a technique called Context Mapping. Context Maps define both team relationships and technical mechanisms that exist between two integrating Bounded Contexts.

Tactical Design

One of the more important tools is used to aggregate entities and value objects together into a right-sized cluster. It’s the Aggregate pattern.

DDD is all about modeling your domain in the most explicit way possible. Using Domain Events will help you both to model explicitly and to share what has occurred within your model with the systems that need to know about it. The interested parties might be your own local Bounded Context and other remote Bounded Contexts.

The learning process and refining knowledge

DDD teaches a way of thinking to help you and your team refine knowledge as you learn about your business’s core competencies. This learning process is a matter of discovery through group conversation and experimentation. By questioning the status quo and challenging your assumptions about your software model, you will learn much, and this all-important knowledge acquisition will spread across the whole team. This is a critical investment in your business and team. The goal should be not only to learn and refine, but to learn and refine as quickly as possible.