game of communication


Character types

4 types of characters:

  • red fighter
    • heroes
    • lines of code
    • libraries
    • crisis resolution
    • deployment
    • estimates
    • ex: Denerys, Monica, Gimli, Bernadette, Dwight, Vader
  • yellow
    • shiny tings
    • new projects!
    • routine?
    • sprint demo
    • advocacy
    • interface
    • ex: Tyrion, Chandler, Pippin, Penny, Michael, Han
  • green
    • solid
    • proven
    • review
    • unblocking
    • estimations
    • ex: Jon, Rachel, Frodo, Leonard, Pam, Luke
  • blue
    • research
    • process
    • corner cases
    • security
    • compliance
    • documentation
    • ex: Varys, Ross, Hermione, Sheldon, Angela, C3PO DISC assessment:
  • Dominance
  • Influence
  • Steadiness
  • Conscientiousness

Communication manuals

Red fighter

  • effectiveness
  • to the point
  • keep it short
  • agenda
  • purpose
  • checklists
  • resources
  • discussions
  • quick decisions

Yellow bard

  • relation
  • small talk
  • energy
  • time
  • gut feeling
  • overviews
  • vision
  • fun
  • importance
  • shining star

Green druid

  • trust
  • partnership
  • safety
  • sincerity
  • predicatability
  • clear goals
  • support
  • decisions
  • deadlines
  • importance for team

Blue wizard

  • time
  • facts
  • data
  • details
  • preparation
  • questions
  • punctuality
  • deadlines
  • requirements
  • decisions
  • pressure
  • moderation

People can have multiple classes, often 80% main, 15% second and 5% left. Often 2 to 3 classes.

blue wizardtask
fire fighter
introvert extrovert
green druid|
yellow bard