use kubernetes ServiceMonitor to discover services to scrap for prometheus
The idea is to use a kubernetes resource of kind ServiceMonitor
so that prometheus knows the endpoint to scrape.
The idea is as follows:
Once you’ve installed prometheus in your kubernetes cluster, e.g. using kube-prometheus helm chart .
Create a src/prometheus/h-values.yml
with the following:
# src:
prometheus :
# Add ingress so we can access the prometheus server outside of the cluster.
ingress :
enabled : true
hostname : prometheus.localhost
# Disable tools that are not needed for this demo.
alertmanager :
enabled : false
blackboxExporter :
enabled : false
kubeApiServer :
enabled : false
kubeProxy :
enabled : false
Then execute the following commands:
helm repo add bitnami
helm upgrade prometheus bitnami/kube-prometheus --install -f src/prometheus/h-values.yml
Create a ServiceMonitor
You can add the ServiceMonitor
to an existing Pod . Create a src/app/servicemonitor.yaml
apiVersion :
kind : ServiceMonitor
metadata :
name : app
namespace : demo
spec :
endpoints :
- interval : 10s
path : /actuator/prometheus
targetPort : 9121
Then apply your configuration:
kubectl apply -f src/app/servicemonitor.yaml
Relabeling is a powerful tool to dynamically rewrite the label set of a target before it gets scraped. Multiple relabeling steps can be configured per scrape configuration. They are applied to the label set of each target in order of their appearance in the configuration file.
src: Configuration | Prometheus
In other words, you can add additional labels to the prometheus metrics, e.g. system_cpu_count{your_custom_label="foobar"}
Update src/prometheus/h-values.yml
# Previous properties...
kubelet :
serviceMonitor :
cAdvisorRelabelings :
# List of available prometheus meta labels:
- sourceLabels : [ __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_Environment ]
targetLabel : Environment
action : replace
- sourceLabels : [ __meta_kubernetes_service_name ]
targetLabel : Instance
action : replace
Upgrade your prometheus instance:
helm upgrade prometheus bitnami/kube-prometheus --install -f src/prometheus/h-values.yml
Then update the src/app/servicemonitor.yaml
spec :
endpoints :
- interval : 10s
path : /actuator/prometheus
targetPort : 9121
relabelings :
# List of available prometheus meta labels:
- sourceLabels : [ __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_Environment ]
targetLabel : Environment
action : replace
- sourceLabels : [ __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_image ]
targetLabel : image
action : replace
- sourceLabels : [ __meta_kubernetes_pod_name ]
targetLabel : name
action : replace
Apply the changes:
kubectl apply -f src/app/servicemonitor.yaml
Now, your prometheus metrics will have the additional labels:
system_cpu_count{Environment="demo", container="acquisition", endpoint="9121", image="registry.localhost:5000/iot/swp/acquisition:develop-3", instance="", name="acquisition-5d5d97c988-qvnwj", namespace="swplocal", pod="acquisition-5d5d97c988-qvnwj", service="acquisition"}