positivity and motivation



  • positive psychology can help use understand how to thrive
  • optimism can be trained
  • but to train it, you need willpower
  • willpower can also be trained

What is positive psychology?

  • it’s about thriving.
  • not Eudonism, where pleasure is the greater good.

Thriving at Work

Happiness is not the belief that we don’t need to change; it is the realization that we can.

Book: The Happiness Advantage: How a positive brain fuels success in work and life.


Performance & Capability
          | challenge    star
          | problem      team player
          +--------------------------> Attitude

Positive psychology can impact both Attitude and Performance/Capability.


+---> Storming --> Norming --> Performing --+
|                                           |
+-------- Forming <------- Adjourning ------+

Positive psychology can help create high-functioning teams.

Dimensions of Positive Psychology


  • Positive emotion
  • Engagement
  • Relationships
  • Meaning
  • Accomplishments

Positive correlation with physical health, vitality, job satisfaction, life satisfaction and commitment within organizations.

Positive emotion

  • happiness
  • joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration,, awe and love
  • Gratitude
    • strong correlation, maybe even causation, between gratitude and wellbeing
    • techniques
      • gratitude lists
      • behavioral expression of gratitude
  • inducing positive emotions
    • techniques
      • exercise
      • meditate
      • use your strengths


  • deeper happiness
  • being one with the music
  • flow
    • losing track of time, being completely absorbed
    • techniques
      • use character strengths
      • do things you love
      • medicate
      • exercise
      • spend time in nature
    |  anxiety    __/      __/
    |          __/      __/
    |       __/      __/
    |    __/      __/
    | __/ flow __/
    |/        /      boredom


  • socializing
    • people are happiest when with other people
    • loneliness is a predictor of bad health and less effectiveness at work
  • socializing at work
    • professional relationships should not be treated as completely different from relationships outside of work
    • work fiends are also friends


  • bigger picture - value, worth
  • purpose in life
    • finding purpose is correlated with motivation
    • see the bigger picture: how does your work contribute to the whole?
  • job crafting
    • job vs career vs calling
    • career/calling correlated with job satisfaction
    • techniques:
      • job crafting means (essentially) framing a job as a calling


  • mastery
    • the desire to grow skills
    • mastery correlates with motivation (see: Flow)
    • techniques
      • be just outside your comfort zone
      • break down problem
      • practice
  • beware the hedonic treadmill
    • there is always more to accomplish
    • techniques
      • emphasize intrinsic growth, not external accomplishments


This can also be learned! Willpower is like a muscle, it gets exhausted but it coo can be trained!

  • Techniques
    • manage your environment
      • good sleep
      • environment that lets you focus
      • and yes, exercise, meditate, and eat a healthy diet
    • lower the ‘activation energy’ of a good habit
  • put bad habits off for at least 10 minutes (“pause and plan”)
  • forgive yourself (no “what the hell effect”)
    • willpower is “contagious”