software architecture
- 5 things every developer should know about software architecture
- api gateway
- archi hexa vs clean
- architectural retrospectives
- architecture debt
- architecture decision record
- architecture pitfalls
- archunit
- best practices to design and build event-drive architecture
- choose boring technology
- circuit breaker
- combining DDD CRQS and clean architecture by refactoring a Go project
- command query responsibility segregation
- composable services
- ddd
- DDD - hexa - onion - clean - cqrs
- design patterns for asynchronous API communication
- disaster recovery
- distributed tracing as architecture
- durable execution - next leap for microservices architectures
- entreprise service bus
- event sourcing - CQRS - stream processing and Kafka - what s the connection
- event sourcing
- event-driven architecture
- evolutionary architecture
- fallacies of distributed systems
- functional core imperative shell
- generic or specific - making sensible software design
- hexagonal architecture
- how to avoid common pitfalls with modern microservices testing
- how to choose the right messaging service for your workload
- how to design a web app - software architecture 101
- just enough architecture
- message brokers
- message queues
- microservice
- modern event-drive architecture - adopting data in motion
- monolith
- n-tier architecture
- notes on building event-driven systems
- onion architecture
- pokemon architecture
- practical use case of software architecture evolution
- premature abstraction Is the root of all evil
- project structure
- publish-subscribe
- rate limiting
- service discovery
- shifting away from public clouds
- sla - sli - slo
- software architect
- state of data engineering 2022
- why use onion layering