how to build secure systems

How to secure everything?

Multiple ways to secure everything (not exclusive from one another, in contrary, may be complementary).

  • security should be a process
  • security should be testable
  • security should be measurable



  • good practices on developer / ops password management
  • good practices on securing the developer computer

SSDLC: Secure Software Development Life cycle



SSDLC consists on 6 phases:

  1. security requirements
  2. sources of security requirement
  3. data classification
  4. use case and misuse case modeling
  5. risk management
  6. security design
  7. core security design considerations
  8. additional design considerations
  9. threat modeling
  10. security development
  11. common software vulnerabilities and controls
  12. secure software processes
  13. securing build environments
  14. security testing
  15. attack surface validation
  16. test data management
  17. security deployment
  18. software acceptance considerations
  19. verification and validation (V&V)
  20. certification and accreditation (C&A)
  21. installation
  22. security maintenance
  23. operation, monitor and maintenance
  24. incident management
  25. problem management
  26. change management
  27. disposal

1. Security requirements

2. Security design

Threat modeling

There’s no such thing as a system being secure, only being secure against a particular adversary.

This is why it’s important to understand who your adversaries are, as well as the motivation behind and capabilities of each adversary.

Consider non-human threats, too. If you’re asked to secure a painting in a museum, a fire may technically not be a security issue — but it’s something to guard against, regardless.

Also, study the history of attacks. If I was designing a prison, I’d learn about all the past prison breakouts that I could.

secure by design

Domain primitives

  • immutable
  • defined only by their values
  • form a conceptual whole
  • invariants are enforced at the time of creation, i.e. if a domain primitive exists, it is valid


  • external input needs to be validated before it is used in the system
  • validation should be done in the following order:
    • origin: where does the data comes from?
    • size: a payload of a millions characters should probably rejected without further analysis
    • lexical content: only the right type of tokens should be allowed
    • syntax: format validity, e.g. if it’s XML, check there is a closing tag for each opening tag
    • semantics: part of the business logic


An entity has:

  • an identity, so it can be distinguish from other entities
  • can contain other objects, both entities and value objects
  • to perform business logic, it needs to mutate state
  • responsible of coordinating the objects its owns, including ensuring internal invariants

The following techniques help with this:

  • consistent at creation: all parameters necessary for consistency should be provided in the constructor
  • limited operations: don’t have methods that can do more than what is allowed by the business logic, e.g. instead of setPaid, we can use a markAsPaid
  • not sharing mutable objects: no leak references to internal objects

The three R’s

  • Rotate secrets automatically every few hours
  • Repave servers and applications every few hours, i.e. redeploying the same software, e.g. if an attacker has compromised a server, the deploy will wipe out the attacker’s foothold there
  • Repair vulnerable software as soon as possible (within a few hours) after a patch is available

Secure by default


3. Security development

CI: Continuous Integration


SAST: Static Application Security Testing

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a frequently used Application Security (AppSec) tool, which scans an application’s source, binary, or byte code. A white-box testing tool, it identifies the root cause of vulnerabilities and helps remediate the underlying security flaws. SAST solutions analyze an application from the “inside out” and do not reed a running system to perform a scan.

SCA: Software Composition Analysis

The short answer is, SCA is an automated process that identifies the third-party components including open-source libraries that are used in software.

Two of the main uses are to evaluate if the product or the software that we are delivering adheres to the security and licenses, and to analyze the quality of the code.

dependency-track can be used for SCA.


Are our package managers (e.g. Nexus and Docker registry) safe and secure?

4. Security testing

DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is the process of analyzing a web application through the front-end to find vulnerabilities through simulated attacks. This type of approach evaluates the application from the “outside in” by attacking an application like a malicious user would. After a DAST scanner performs these attacks, it looks for results that are not part of the expected result set and identifies security vulnerabilities.


Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is an automated security testing tool used in cybersecurity to help detect vulnerabilities in web applications. Penetration testing, in contrast, is a progressive and static manual procedure to identify weaknesses in a system. It deploys the services of tech-savvy individuals to try to find weaknesses in applications and systems.

Penetration testing entails the hiring of professional security personnel who think and act like hackers. These individuals are professionals in breaching applications where they work like the institution’s security police. They operate in real-time, and the company can detect breaches and point out the specific weak points for the developers to seal.

However, one downside is that this method is quite costly; therefore, most institutions implement it a few times a year or just once. It is also likely to generate false negatives; hence, requires frequent testing to be sure. Besides, it is a complicated process that needs an informed staff to comprehend and relay the results. On the other hand, DAST relies on requests and feedback to determine any vulnerabilities.


Costly, and not needed at the moment.

5. Security deployment

CD: Continuous Deployment


authentication / authorization to deploy



E.g. automated tools like checkov

6. Security maintenance



  • business workflow
  • application network / communication
